Bouquet and gift “Welcome baby!”


Bouquet and gift “Welcome baby!”

Hurray, a child has been born! Congratulate the new parents with this beautiful blue or pink birth bouquet. You give the little baby a cool baby toy as a present, with which he or she can soon cuddle.

Don’t forget to add your free personalised message at checkout so your loved one knows who to thank.

We deliver flowers in Tallinn and Harjumaa.

Delivery in Tallinn 6.- and Harju county 12.- Order from Monday to Saturday by 2 PM for same day delivery.
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    Bouquet and gift “Welcome baby!”

    Hurray, a child has been born! Congratulate the new parents with this beautiful blue or pink birth bouquet. You give the little baby a cool baby toy as a present, with which he or she can soon cuddle.

    Don’t forget to add your free personalised message at checkout so your loved one knows who to thank.

    We deliver flowers in Tallinn and Harjumaa.

    Additional information


    Bouquet and gift "Welcome baby!"